So Fred

SoFred - handmade fashion accessories and giftables. All of our items are hand made right here in South Australia.

Helping mum

I needed some midget hands to help me make a front cover image for the Playgroup brochure. So I borrowed my little girls hands (she was awfully cooperative). I dipped them in paint and did a bit of tweaking in Photoshop and ta da I have the image I wanted.

I had more fun than she did 🙂

More hearts

For Valentines day I baked cookies and cupcakes.

The cookies I bundled up and added a recipe card, cookie cutter and hair pin. We gave them out to some very special people.

I hope you all got something nice for VD.

Today’s bargain


I have a bad habit of popping in to the local Salvo store on the way back from dropping my son off at kindy. Today’s score is a million small coloured wooden blocks. I only paid $2.50 for the lot.

Now what to make with them …

Baby Nana Rug


After weeks in the making, I finally present to you  my first ever crochet baby blanket.

For Christmas my partner gave me a book on how to make 500 different ‘Granny squares’.  I wasn’t sure if I was up to the challenge and what better excuse than trying to make one as a gift for a baptism.

So over four weeks I made sure I crocheted a square a night (It took me two night to get a nice looking square that I was happy with). After thirty squares I combined them all together and edged the entire blanket.

I am looking forward to the next ‘Nana’ blanket.

You may notice in the corner of my baby blanket I have made an ‘Amish’ ball. That again was hours of fun 🙂


Baby Blanket


After weeks in the making, I finally present to you  my first ever crochet baby blanket.

For Christmas my partner gave me a book on how to make 500 different ‘Granny squares’.  I wasn’t sure if I was up to the challenge and what better excuse than trying to make one as a gift for a baptism.

So over four weeks I made sure I crocheted a square a night (It took me two night to get a nice looking square that I was happy with). After thirty squares I combined them all together and edged the entire blanket.

I am looking forward to the next ‘Nana’ blanket.

You may notice in the corner of my baby blanket I have made an ‘Amish’ ball. That again was hours of fun 🙂


3D Print


Check it out.

I did this.

I now have my very own 3D printing software. So the first thing I draw and print out all in the same evening is a cookie cutter love heart.

I feel very proud …

Love hearts


Not sure that love is in the air, but it is definitely all around me at the moment.

I set myself a challenge to see how many hearts I could make with all my odd-ends and this is what I have come up with so far …

Babushka Softie


This beautiful doll was made for a very dear friend of ours baby girl. I had so much fun making her and used all my favorite materials.

I must confess, I haven’t used the sewing machine since making this little cutie. I am still caught up in the crocheting bug.

Easy Crochet Headbands

I wanted to make some cute little headbands for my daughter and her friend, but time had gotten away from me. Searching through some patterns I found this fast easy headband idea. I guess you can add any kind of ‘bling’ to it.

Christmas birds

My boys Pre-School teacher has a soft spot for birds, so I put together some Christmas Budgies for her and the other teachers as a thank you for enduring my son for the past six weeks 🙂